We are encouraged and inspired by the girls that we come across on a daily basis. We choose to invest in them because they are the future of tech!


"When we invest in WOMEN and GIRLS we are investing in the people who invest in everybody else" - Melinda Gates

Scholarship Guidelines

  • Eligibility Criteria

    • Current high school seniors and juniors (graduating class of 2025 and 2026) 
    • A female-identifying student intending to major in a tech-related field (computer science, engineering, information technology, etc)
    • Identifies as African-American/Black, Latina, or Native American and/or first-generation college students
    • Priority Consideration Deadline: 9/3/2024
    • Final Application Deadline: 9/15/2024

  • How to Apply

    • Submit a video including the following:
      • Your name, grade, and school name
      • Your intended college major & why you chose it. Please include how your experience with the HYPE Program has helped to influence your choice of major, if applicable
      • Share why you should be awarded the HYPE Future of Tech Scholarship and how you plan to continue advocating for women & girls of color in tech as a HYPE Scholar. Be bold and be creative! - this is your time to shine!
    • After you submit your application, register to attend HYPE Night where recipients will be awarded a $2500 scholarship to the accredited college/university of their choice! 

  • Video Requirements

    • Maximum 3 minutes long (We will not accept videos that are longer than 3 minutes)
    • Include a statement about why you are passionate about pursuing STEM and advocating for more girls to do so. What makes you the best applicant to receive this scholarship?!
    • One-shot video without professional editing/production (preferred)
    • Be yourself! We want to see and hear from the natural YOU!

  • Video Shooting Tips

    • Selfie videos are acceptable and encouraged – you will not be judged on the quality of your video, and we welcome any and all submissions. Feel free to reach out to us if you have questions about how to record your video.  
    • Try to practice before you record so you can speak smoothly throughout the video. We recommend writing your key points in advance.
    • Record your video in a quiet location with good lighting (ex: Sit in front of a window during the daytime for natural lighting) 
    • Record in landscape mode (a video that is wider rather than taller) rather than portrait mode (how you would normally take phone selfies)
    • We will select 2 recipients who make the priority consideration cutoff. Submit your application by the priority consideration deadline (on 9/3) for greater chances to receive the scholarship!

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