What is The HYPE Leadership Academy?
The HYPE Leadership Academy is a yearlong internship placement program that equips high school students with workforce-ready skills for 21st-century opportunities.
We collaborate with corporate partners to teach relevant tech skills, provide leadership training and development, and ultimately connect HYPE Scholars in career-developing internships.
How does the Internship process work?
Students who successfully complete the program will be eligible to apply and interview for internships with companies of their interest

Student benefits:
- Job skills training
- Competitive Advantage for College or Full Time Jobs
- Financial support + Applicable financial management training
The Leadership Academy consists of three parts over the course of the regular school year:
- College & Career Readiness workshops
- Resume Writing & Mock Interviews with HYPE corporate partners
- Internship or apprenticeship placements.
The Internship Placement component connects companies with HYPE scholars in internship, job shadowing, and/or work-based learning opportunities for eligible students. We collaborate with corporate partners to teach relevant tech skills, provide leadership training and development, and ultimately support HYPE scholars in gaining skills through hands-on application.
** After the pilot of The HYPE Leadership Academy in 2021, we are excited to share that over 70% of Academy scholars successfully earned summer internships and continuing STEM education opportunities!
Curriculum topics & highlights:
- Goal Setting
- Financial literacy
- Being the Only
- Interactive Resume Writing Workshop
- Time Management
- Bold Leadership & Personal Branding
- Staying motivated in college
- Finding your Myers-Briggs personality type
- Choosing the right career
- Interviewing
- Workplace Etiquette & Communication
- Interactive Mock Interview Workshop
Eligibility Requirements:
Eligible applicants must be HYPE Scholar Alumni or a high school girl with an interest in STEM careers & demonstrated tech proficiency, such as completion of AP Computer Science or Computer Science Fundamentals coursework.
Take a look at what you can accomplish with
The HYPE Leadership Academy!
**If you're an employer that's looking for information on what a HYPE scholar can do for you, check out our HYPE Internship Webinar landing page**