Arm Your Organization in the Fight for Tech Talent with a HYPE Intern
Around age 10, 75% of girls show interest in STEM, and by age 14, it drops to 11%. In order to capture the talent and loyalty of a potential future employee, we aim to help HYPE Scholars understand and see what a career looks like. Through our HYPE Leadership Academy and Internship Placement Program, we collaborate with corporate partners to teach relevant tech skills, provide leadership training, and place HYPE scholars into career-developing internships.
Our goal is to not only develop our future workforce, but to help companies like yours by connecting you with our scholars to contribute to your business's overall profitability, diversity, and inclusion goals!
We've proven that our high school-aged interns are coming into our team and delivering results that are [in some cases] better than our college students.
HYPE's internship program provides students with valuable workforce experiences and allows us to support other organizations through added capacity.
"The greatest contribution that I was able to give to [my internship employer] was my creativity" - Former HYPE intern

Why hire a HYPE intern?
76% of IT leaders have skill gaps in their departments, an increase of 145% since 2016. Making an early connection with future talent will better prepare your organization for forthcoming tech skill demands.
HYPE Interns are vetted and trained via a 10-month Leadership Academy. Some of the topics covered are time management, financial literacy, and corporate etiquette. These ARE the students that you want to hire and invest in for your organization!
Employer Benefits
- Widen your talent pool through earlier exposure
- Gain innovative modern ideas
- Workforce Development + Community Partnerships
- Support the well-being of the local community
Student Benefits
- Job skills training
- Competitive Advantage for College and/or Full Time Jobs
- Financial support
- Applicable financial management training
Placement Process

Intern Recruitment
HYPE will jumpstart your selection process by selecting 2-4 students who are a fit for your available internship opportunities. We’ll share the students’ resumes and cover letters in advance. You can choose to proceed with a formal interview or select your preferred intern right away.

Interviews are scheduled based on employer and student availability. This can be done independent of HYPE’s involvement.

Placement Commitment
By signing up to host a HYPE intern, you are committing to providing valuable experience in tech and tech-related fields. Interns should participate in meaningful projects, such as developing and managing podcasts, assisting organizations with navigating artificial intelligence, creating and managing content for social media, developing webpages, and enhancing operational efficiency.

Internship Orientation
HYPE is dedicated to a continual learning process and provides relevant and actionable learning opportunities. At the beginning of the summer, HYPE will prepare students for their internships via an orientation for all summer student interns. Student interns will also participate in a series of workshops to further enhance their summer experience, allow them to connect with one another, and be trained in additional skills that will be beneficial to them as they support you and your organization over the summer.
Workshops are mandatory, and students will not be available to work during these 2 6-hour sessions taking place over the summer. HeARTS (HYPE and Ready for Tech Success) development workshop dates are June 27th and July 25th.